In the present fast-track standard of living of people, attributes like stressful living, dietetic
incompatibilities, and sedentary lifestyle leading to reduced physical activity persuade the
manifestation of the disease. In Ayurveda asmadhumeha, a Tridosa predominant disease
commonly manifested with prabhūta āvila mūtratā[ (increased frequency and turbidity of
urine) is considered as Non insulin-dependent DM (NIDDM).
Stress (psychology), an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people
experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well-being.
Stress influences mental health as well as physical health. People who experience a high level
of stress may become irritable, socially withdrawn, and emotionally unstable.
The oxidative stress may be amplified by a continuing cycle of metabolic stress, tissue
damage, and cell death, leading to increased free radical production and compromised free
radical inhibitory and scavenger systems, which further exacerbate the oxidative stress.
Living a healthy and happy life with diabetes is possible. Millions of diabetes patients
manage their blood sugar levels with holistic approach and avoid onset of major health
complications caused because of neglecting timely treatment for diabetes.
In the Thoughts of Modern Thinkers we find yoga as a System of Conscious Evolution and
Self perfection. Meditation is designed to achieve subjective goals such as contemplation,
wisdom, and altered states of consciousness.
A noteworthy attempt ought to be easily reached in the field of epidemiology, genetics,
molecular biology, and synthetic chemistry to uncover substitute course of action to fight
against diabetes.
Professor & Head, Dept of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, College of Ayurved, Pune